Technology has always been integral to art. Developments in paints in the 14th to 16th century enabled painting’s realism and allowed painting on canvas making it more able to be carried or moved. And in the 19th century, the beginning of camera time, which changed the role of representation in art. In the 20th century, recording technologies, sound and music, the television and the internet took the performing arts from the stage, into the home and onto the streets. Technology made art available anywhere in the world where there was a internet connection In the 21st century, technologies like 3D printing changed the art game. Enable artist to create art in a whole new way. The camera enable to capture a place of art, and letting the computer and internet change the place of art and letting the 3D printing print the place of art.
Knowle West Media Centre is an arts organisation and charity based group in Bristol, UK and they have been supporting individuals and communities to get the most out of digital technologies and the arts since 1996. They believe that the arts have the power to make a difference to our lives, our neighbourhoods and our environment. Knowle West Media Centre believes that every single person can make a difference to the environment with data art. Art is more than a painted, art express our feelings they each have their own message. Like a picture can have a 1000 meanings, art is the same. For every people art is different. It can tell them different things. Data art and technology is used to advertising product on the market, the advert can be on the internet and on the street. Each advert has its own meaning. A company uses and creates art with their advert and that advert makes people buy that product and that product is what changes our environment.
Playable city is an organisation that helps Regenerate public spaces that help people to interact with one another and the environment. It was first organised in Bristol in 2012/13 where people underwent a hello lamp-post experiment where the public would go to a lamp post to strike conversations. In 2014 the public dance under shadows , in 2015 they chased rabbits, leapt with dolphins, hunted beetles and skip with kangaroo projections.The project was created by a polish tech company.Animals where places in the less explored areas of the city, to make people aware of the urban areas that are often ignored.It works by using a projector and a sensor. Animals become activated when people nearby are passing each other and when they were under the sensors. It detects human movement in the dark an attracts their attention. Helping them see Bristol in a new light. Each animal had a different personality which was translated in the movement. Over 26,000 people interacted with the trajectories.
Kit Oates is a portrait, travel and documentary photographer living and working in Kilburn, London. His work has been featured in publications including The Guardian, The Observer New
He set up a portrait studio in various places across the estate that were to be demolished. These usually were set up in community centres. His Re-generation project consisted of him capturing and collecting images of the buildings and of local people who lived there. These we’re overlaid in Photoshop. The images had double exposures, and not too flashy, nor overly photoshopped and too statement-like. The idea was the image of the residents would blend into the urban landscape, not jump out at you. They say a picture can tell a thousand words and by looking at Kit oats collection of photos you really get that feeling.
Pokemon Go enables anybody with a smart device to connect digitally to the natural world. Using augmented reality, you can walk the streets and see through the screen the Pokemon living in and around you. Niantic's game encourages people to explore parts of their city that before hand, they wouldn't have. There is also a huge social network scene around it, with people sharing their experiences with the game and telling people were in their city is a good place to catch the best Pokemon. In a society were being social is seen as messaging away on a phone, this game really changes the way people connect. And of course, whilst doing all of this, you're staying fit in the process.